After graduating from Curatorial Studies at the Faculty of Art and Design at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Barbora Hájková has been continuing there in the postgraduate program since 2019. Her research focuses on the curatorial activities in a connection with possible influence on shaping the private collections of contemporary art. She regularly publishes recorded the interviews about current exhibitions at the UMA Audioguide platform and publishes articles in the Flash Art Czech and Slovak edition. Barbora Hájková got experiences in the gallery operation during the eight months internship in Knoll Gallery in Vienna in 2016. She occasionally organizes the art projects and exhibitions as an independent curator.

Czech and German Young Curators Networking

The idea of collaborating with the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig arose from my experience of guiding “art lovers” from various European countries around the Prague art scene. This programme is led by the Viennese gallerist Hans Knoll and has a long tradition (it can be introduced in the first third of the conference paper). Aiming at students of curatorial studies, the “Czech and German Young Curators Networking” project strives to broaden the students’ minds by exchanging knowledge and starting new collaborations across the Czech-German border. The goal is to create a platform where young Czech and German curators could meet with artists, theorists and gallerists, which would enable the participants to make new contacts in the field of art. Within the programme, the participants can submit a project based on the collaboration with their newly found partners. One selected project will be implemented in spring 2021 with support of the participating subjects (e.g. galleries). The project will be divided into two parts: (1) Art Tour – Educational / Networking part, and (2) Art Project – Practical part / Realization. The students and graduates of both participating schools will attend the guided programme (1) in the Czech Republic and Germany. The purpose is to introduce the participants to each other and to make them at least partially familiar with the contemporary art scene in both countries. The purpose of the Practical part (2) is to initiate the students’ interest in curatorial projects of their own based on their recent experience, and to give the participants the opportunity to prepare their own exhibition.